Faith Talk 2/10/25
“Jesus Speaks to USA! Unpacking ‘Camels’ and ‘Knats’ (Mt. 23-24) by Pastoral Associate Doug DeMeo
Faith Talk 10/12/24
"What we truly desire: on mass suffering, systemic injustice, and systemic resurrection" by Pastoral Associate Doug DeMeo
Faith Talk 8/12/24
“Good Fruits vs Stinkin Fruits in Public Life” by Pastoral Associate Doug DeMeo
Faith Talk 7/20/24
"Knowing and Loving Jesus’ Friends, Knowing and Loving Jesus" by Pastoral Associate Doug DeMeo
Faith Talk 7/2/24
The Hidden and Social Dimensions of Sin and Grace by Pastoral Associate Doug DeMeo
Faith Talk 4/12/24
“How Does Christ Relate to Social Problems in the United States?” by Pastoral Associate Doug DeMeo.
Faith Talk 12/20/23
"Finding the Love of Christ in All People" by Pastoral Associate Doug DeMeo.
Faith Talk 9/6/23
“God’s Longing to Connect with All of Us’ by Pastoral Associate Doug DeMeo
Faith Talk 4/17/23
“Keep It In the Ground! Third Annual Earth Day Talk” by Pastoral Associate Doug DeMeo
Faith Talk 2/2/23
"Facing and Feeling Our Inner Tensions Through the Power of Blessed Trinity" by Pastoral Associate Doug DeMeo
Faith Talk 10/4/22
“What Francis of Assisi Has to Say to Us Today”
by Pastoral Associate Doug DeMeo
Faith Talk 9/14/22
“A Sacred Direct Line: Our Children and the Common Good”
by Pastoral Associate Doug DeMeo
Faith Talk 8/9/22
“Divinely Inspired Leadership in USA Today”
by Pastoral Associate Doug DeMeo
Faith Talk 4/21/22
Life Regenerates: Hearing and Responding to the Cries of the Earth Community: Earth Day 2022
by Pastoral Associate Doug DeMeo
Lenten Discussion 2/1/22
The Whole Language: The Power of Extravagant Tenderness” by Pastoral Associate Doug DeMeo.
Faith Talk 12/22/21
“Rocket Fuel - Propelled as Missionaries to All the World” by Pastoral Associate Doug DeMeo
Faith Talk 10/29/21
“Lifelong Conversion: Lessons from St. Ignatius, 1521” by Pastoral Associate Doug DeMeo
Faith Talk 9/24/21
“20 Years Later: Honor Guardsman Reflects on September 11, 2001” by Army First Sergeant Brian Paape