Faith Talk 7/23/21
“Looking at Evangelization through Five Models of the Church” by Deacon Paul Mann
Faith Talk 6/29/21
“Journey of Deepening Friendship: Why I Left the ‘Society of Jesus’ 25 Years Ago” by Pastoral Associate Doug DeMeo
Faith Talk 5/14/21
‘Doubting Thomas’ and the Joy of Our First Child” by Pastoral Associate Doug DeMeo
Faith Talk 4/16/21
“Earth Day and the Creative Tension of Genesis 1 and Genesis 3” by Pastoral Associate Doug DeMeo
Faith Talk 3/12/21
“Learning to Follow God’s Will: Touchstones for Discernment” by Pastoral Associate Doug DeMeo
Faith Talk 2/26/21
“Trusting Our Center, Finding Our Balance” by Pastoral Associate Doug DeMeo
Faith Talk 2/15/21
“Lent: Do We Have to Give Up Something This Year??” by Father Sam Young
Faith Talk 1/22/21
“A Meditation on Your Nativity, and Jesus’ Nativity” by Pastoral Associate Doug DeMeo