Join the OLMC Creation Care Team!
Please contact Doug Demeo ddemeo@olmcparishmd.org for more information.
Archdiocese of Baltimore’s Grief Ministry. Contact Yvonne Wenger at yvonne.wenger@archbalt.org
Please contact Maria Rapp via email or via phone at 410.686.4972
Request for volunteers for Helping Hands Ministry! Please contact Ann Brotzman at annebrot@verizon.net.
For questions regarding services, please contact Charlie Huber at vanman21221@yahoo.com or 410-780-7088.
The corporal and spiritual needs of our local communities are vast. The Mission of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church is to worship God and share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Part of that is “reaching out to assist the poor, the needy, and the alienated.” We envision creating a structure for the gradual expansion of practical services, connecting our parishioners to our neighbors in need.
Provide a mechanism for Mt. Carmel parishioners—or others in the community—to be able to request assistance from a group of volunteers within the Mt. Carmel parish community. A core group of volunteers has come together and agreed that a “start smaller” approach would be more manageable. Additional scope assistance items can be added in the future as the volunteer list is expected to grow.