Office of Christian Initiation in Adults (OCIA)
Order of Christian Initiation in Adults (formerly known as RCIA)
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Sacramental Preparation
Sacramental Preparation for adults provides catechism and spiritual accompaniment, at any stage of their Catholic formation. The journey of growth in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Catholic faith is lifelong.
He or she begins with an interview with our Pastoral Associate, Doug Demeo, and will then complete a sacramental history form. If the candidate had already been Baptized in a Trinitarian Christian denomination, the length of time for preparation for receiving sacraments of Holy Eucharist, Reconciliation, and/ or Confirmation, will depend on the level of prior knowledge and formation. Several episodes of the video series, Catholicism, produced and narrated by Bishop Robert Barron, will be viewed, and discussed. Supplemental readings and lessons are given. Mostly, accompaniment in prayer, and the candidate’s growth and understanding of the Gospel is a big part of their journey. Throughout their formation and beyond, he or she is expected to attend Mass every weekend and during Holy Days.
Receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation is a requirement prior to reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Upon completing the necessary formation, the reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation and subsequently, Holy Eucharist, will occur during Mass at Our Lady of Mount Carmel with our Pastor, or at the Archdiocesan Cathedral.
Contact Doug Demeo at 410-238-1162, ddemeo@olmcparishmd.org
Below is the first in a series of videos narrated by Bishop Robert Barron, entitled “Catholicism”. The entire series is shared throughout the formation program.