Faith Talk 12/26/20
“When is a Christmas Carol NOT a Christmas Carol?” by Deacon Paul Mann
Faith Talk 12/2/20
“Discovering Foundational Graces in the Story of the Penitent Woman” by Pastoral Associate Doug DeMeo
Faith Talk 11/19/20
“Advent: What Are We Preparing For?” by Father Sam Young*
*Apologies for the ending of Fr. Sam’s talk being cut off; we had technical difficulties with our recording device that cut off the last 30 seconds of his talk.
Faith Talk 11/12/20
“From Advent to Epiphany” Catholic Families and the Religious Imagination” by Deacon Paul Mann
Faith Talk 11/5/20
“Prayer of Daily Conversation with Jesus” by Pastoral Associate Doug DeMeo
Faith Talk 10/16/20
“Spreading the Light of Christ Through How We Treat One Another” by Music Director Troy Lawson